Emily's Entertainers
Friday, February 17, 2012
My Fair Lady Auditions
Spanish Fork Community Theater will be holding auditions for My Fair Lady in March. Here's the information. This play shouldn't be quite as time consuming as Hairspray was. There aren't nearly as many group numbers. Remember sometimes people audition just to audition. You don't need to audition to get the star role or even to be in the play. I encourage all to audition so you will be even more prepared for the audition that you want to star in. http://www.sfctonline.org/auditions.html
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Secret Garden Auditions
The Secret Garden is going to be playing at the Hale Center Theater in Orem! Make sure you call and make an appointment on either the 6th or 7th of February. Here's the link: http://www.haletheater.org/theater/auditions/the_secret_garden.php
The roles available for girls are Mary Lennox and Martha Sowerby (practice your accents)!
Monday, January 2, 2012
A Good Year
Thanks to everyone for working so hard to be prepared for the recital. You were wonderful! I'm so proud of all of you and am looking forward to the next recital! This new year is going to be a fun one. Here are a couple pictures of the SCERA "Home for the Holidays" show that Afton, Hannah, and I participated in. There are so many performing opportunities out there, I'll do my best to keep you all informed on them. I'm really excited for Brianne and Marley who are a part of Beauty and the Beast, and Sierra in Cinderella as well. We'll all have to come support each other when they perform. For those of you interested, there's an audition this next Wednesday at the SCERA for a Broadway review. Check out http://www.scera.org/contents/view/auditions for more information!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Nauvoo, Illinois

Some of you may not know that I was a Performing Missionary for the LDS church in Nauvoo, Illinois. It was one of the most wonderful experiences of my life and played a major role in the person I am today. One of my favorite things that I did in Nauvoo was the Pageant. It consisted of a core cast of main characters, and each week there was a new family cast to work with. Families would come to Nauvoo for two weeks in which they learned their parts the first week, and performed in the second. I loved watching the families grow closer together through this process. This is an opportunity to place yourself literally in Nauvoo the Beautiful and act as if you were really there in 1844 building Zion! I get goosebumps just remembering it! If you're interested here's the sight! http://www.nauvoopageant.org/ Auditions for the main characters are in January!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Guess what!? All of you have perfect songs that you have been working on to take to the Broadway Review audition in Orem. Scera is holding auditions in January. You can find the information here: http://www.scera.org/contents/view/auditions
Also there will be auditions for The Secret Garden at the Hale Center Theater in Orem. There aren't any details on when quite yet, but you can check haletheater.org periodically for more information. Let me know if there are any other auditions that I should know about. See you all at the recital!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Classical Focus
I just thought that I would send out a heads up on my plans after Christmas. Everyone is getting better and has developed a lot of confidence, so now I want to buckle down a bit and focus on singing classically. It will help everyone loosen their tight jaws and closed off throats, and it will help everyone avoid straining their vocal chords. So that being said, purchasing a classical vocal book may be necessary in order to read the notes (I'll let you know later if you need one or not). I'm hoping for the next recital near the end of the school year everyone will have a polished Italian or German song to perform. I'm so looking forward to hearing everyone perform next week!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Worried about the recital?
For those of you who are nervous about singing in the recital in a couple weeks, take heart. You're all about 10 times better than this guy.
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