Some of you may not know that I was a Performing Missionary for the LDS church in Nauvoo, Illinois. It was one of the most wonderful experiences of my life and played a major role in the person I am today. One of my favorite things that I did in Nauvoo was the Pageant. It consisted of a core cast of main characters, and each week there was a new family cast to work with. Families would come to Nauvoo for two weeks in which they learned their parts the first week, and performed in the second. I loved watching the families grow closer together through this process. This is an opportunity to place yourself literally in Nauvoo the Beautiful and act as if you were really there in 1844 building Zion! I get goosebumps just remembering it! If you're interested here's the sight! http://www.nauvoopageant.org/ Auditions for the main characters are in January!
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